
GD vs ImageMagick vs Gmagick for jpg?

manysource 2022. 11. 24. 21:42

GD vs ImageMagick vs Gmagick for jpg?

I am in the step to abandon GD for manipulating image in my website - it is awful.

Everyone saying to use ImageMagick because they are better than GD, but what about ImageMagick vs Gmagick (Swiss Army knife of image processing)?

Zend has a pretty article here talking about them.

Before I will leave for ImageMagick are there any motivation to use gmagick instead?

(PHP 5.3+)

Edit: What's wrong with asking which is better between 2 libs? I think it's a fair question. If someone could explain the good-point of one lib over the other would help me and other people reading this question. Why close such a question??

Edit2: For everyone asking what I need to do: I think it's oblivious: users uploads images (than can be png/gif/bmp w/e) I need to convert in JPG and then store it in the database, eventually if they are too big I need to resize down them a bit.


According to Wikipedia, GraphicsMagick is a fork from ImageMagick 5.5.2.

As far as I can see, GMagick comes with no new features; the fork is concentrating on better performance and stability, which as @Col says you should test and compare yourself.

From a feature perspective, if a library is needed for more than just basic resizing and cropping operations, I personally would prefer ImageMagick any day because of the vast, well-documented and illustrated library of thousands of examples which work very well. GraphicsMagick does not seem to have documentation of similar quality.

It's also likely that GMagick does not have whatever new features were added to IM since version 5.5.2. It may be worth checking out the ImageMagick change logs whether you're missing out on anything you need.

매우 주관적으로 말하면 Image Magick은 확실히 더 널리 알려진 라이브러리입니다.또한 이 라이브러리의 지원, 예시 및 스크립트가 더 많이 있습니다.또, 퍼포먼스의 차이가 실제로 대부분의 사용 사례에 영향을 미칠지도 의문입니다.지난 10년간의 경험으로 볼 때 IM은 그래픽 처리 라이브러리의 속도가 가장 빠를 뿐만 아니라 속도가 가장 느릴 뿐만 아니라 대부분의 일상 사용에 완벽하게 적합하지도 않습니다.

GD의 어떤 점이 마음에 안 들어요?API인가요, 기능이 없는 건가요, 아니면 성능인가요?

그래픽스 라이브러리는 깔끔한 OOP API를 갖추고 있어 GD, ImageMagick 및 GraphicsMagick을 백엔드로 사용할 수 있습니다.이렇게 하면 이미지 조작 코드를 변경하지 않고도 어떤 라이브러리가 최고의 성능을 발휘하는지 테스트할 수 있습니다.

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